About Us

Howick Community Church, situated in the Midlands village of Howick, Kwazulu Natal, is a member of the Baptist Union of South Africa.

We are a fellowship of some 400 people, are multiracial and multi denominational, with a strong evangelical ethos holding to the Bible as the Word of God and Jesus Christ alone as Lord and Saviour of humankind.

We understand our Biblical mandate to include bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and then discipling them to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God on earth. As such our desire is to see our community and country transformed as His standards are lived out by our membership.

The Church appoints to the office of Elders such men, who are recognised as being gifted by the Holy Spirit, and who satisfy requirements as recorded in the letters to Timothy and Titus.
Elders are Church members who will be mature and have a good standing in the Faith. Their main role is to give Spiritual support and assistance to the pastors of the Church.

The deacons, who are not usually employees of the Church, are elected from amongst the membership after having given evidence of their faith in Christ and conformity to the lifestyle envisaged in 1 Tim. 3 & Titus 1. Their role in the Church is to provide spiritual support to the Pastors and Elders in the exercise of their respective Ministries, together with overseeing a specific function pertaining to the smooth running of the Church i.e. Finance, Secretarial, IT, and Maintenance. Deacons are elected for a 2 year term of service and, together with the Pastors and Elders, form the Executive Committee of the Church.

Our Elders are

  • Craig Linden
  • Mark Wilby
  • Robin Barnsley
  • Howard Long
  • Christopher Barnsley

Our Deacons are

  • Alida Pallett
  • Beverley Genlloud
  • Danie Nothnagel
  • Gordon Turner
  • Laura Atkinson
  • Mike Pallett
  • Risha Mahadew
  • Robert Maphanga

Meet The Team

Heidi Linden

Pastoral Assistant

Ephraim Zuma

Car Guard

Zoë Lombard

Youth Worker

Tanya Wilby

Children's Church Leader

Craig Linden

Senior Pastor

Jess Marais

Ministry Assistant

Thembi Sikude

Domestic Worker

Mark Wilby

Associate Pastor

Debbie Checkley

Admin Secretary

Bella Watt

Youth Worker